[TYPO3-project-seminars] Wrong Configuration check warning?

Simon Harhues Simon.Harhues at muenster.de
Tue Nov 21 23:32:18 CET 2006

Hello Oliver,

Oliver Klee schrieb:
> It could be possible that I just forgot to list "uid" as an allowed
> value. Which configuration variable concerned that warning about uid not
> being allowed?
You're asking good questions, I deleted it... But I think it was 
"plugin.tx_seminars.hideFieldsInThankYouMail" because if I add it, I get 
an error-message again... :-)
>> Another error I got was, that the configurationcheck told me, I didn't
>> added the static template. Well actually I did, but nevertheless after
>> deleting it from the list, adding it again and saving the
>> template-record again the error message disappeared.
> Sometimes clearing the cache is all it takes to resolve this warning (as
> the template gets cached).
But I addet the static template by installing ver 0.4.6, so the cached 
version should have included the static template for a long time when I 
installed ver 0.4.7! Or do I misunderstand you?
> Regards,
> Oliver

Have a good night,

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