[TYPO3-RTE] Anchors: small arrow icon + <A> instead of <LINK>

Claudio claudio.strizzolo at ru.bbishts.infn.it
Thu Apr 20 16:17:13 CEST 2006

Hi all,
I haven't been using rtehtmlarea for a long time.
Now I tried it again on my 4.0 site (version 1.3.7 of
rtehtmlarea), and noticed two strange things happening when I 
insert an anchor in my text, by clicking on the small "world" 
icon in the menu. 
At the least, I remember a different behaviour the last
time I tried rtehtmlarea. In details:

1. A small "arrow" icon is automatically added at the left
   side of my link. I'd like to avoid this.
2. The anchor is written as an <A> tag with a lot of parameters.
   I used to see internal links represented by a <LINK> tag
   instead, and I would like to get the same now.

By looking here and there I set this in my TS Constants:

RTE.classesAnchor >
RTE.classes >

and this in my TS Setup:


But it does not help.
Any hints?
Thanks in advance


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