[TYPO3-RTE] Proposed extended syntax for RTE configuration in Page TSConfig

Stanislas Rolland stanislas.rolland at fructifor.ca
Wed Apr 19 04:06:23 CEST 2006

Hi RTE users,

I would like to propose an extension to the syntax of RTE configuration 
in Page TSConfig.

I would propose to group the properties that are specific to a given 
button as follows:

RTE.default.buttons.[button-name].[button-specific-property-name] = 

Therefore we could have, for example:

RTE.default.buttons.image.magicMaxWidth = 400

RTE.default.buttons.link.blindTargetSelector = 1
RTE.default.buttons.link.blindPopupSizeSelector = 1

RTE.default.buttons.toggleborders.keepInToolbar = 1
RTE.default.buttons.toggleborders.setOnTableCreation = 1

RTE.default.buttons.inserttag.blindTags = list-of-tags
RTE.default.buttons.inserttag.blindAttributes = list-of-attributes


For existing properties, the transition would be progressive and would 
preserve backward compatibility (old properties would become deprecated, 
but would still be supported until ...).

Comments? Suggestions?


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