[TYPO3-RTE] cross-platform rtes

Antoine melser.anton at gmail.com
Mon Apr 3 18:48:20 CEST 2006

On 03/04/06, Martin Kutschker <Martin.Kutschker at n0spam-blackbox.net> wrote:
> Antoine schrieb:
> > Hi,
> > I see that there is an rte based on htmlarea.
> Yes it's based on. But AFAIK Stanislas has already put some enhancements
> into the base code of htmlarea.
>   However, htmlarea seems
> > to have been discontinued... I am very new so could be way off there
> > but it also seems that integrating a new rte is not *that* hard - so I
> > could always do it myself.
> > However, fckeditor is constantly one of the most active projects on
> > sourceforge (50+ devs!!!), and it seems *very* strange that there is
> > not a stable extention floating around, and indeed that it is not the
> > default.
> > Can anyone shed some light on this?
> Obviuosly it's not that easy as you think. You're not the first one who
> rjected htmlarea for some reason, boasted to start on a new RTE-extension
> only to be never heard of again.
> So go and do it yourself instead of claiming you could.

Wow! Such venom! So it seems that there is currently no one interested
in fckeditor. I note that I made clear that I have just started
looking at typo3, and that I could be quite wrong. So I was wrong. I
read on a few posts about people who were using fckeditor with typo3
based on the extension available in the repository - and they talked
about making minor adjustments and them not being hard - it would be
unfair to suggest I was making such a claim, given my stated ignorance
in the area!
And I still think it strange no one is interested...

This is where I should put some witty comment.

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