[TYPO3-obts] TypoScript doubt

Antonio Álvarez Feijoo aalvarez at igalia.com
Fri Jun 6 07:17:17 CEST 2008


My problem is that I want to load CSS dynamically using TypoScript, but
when I use a postUserFunc this doesn't work. Example:

temp = TEXT
temp.value = fileadmin/templates/css/mycss_es.css

temp2 = TEXT
temp2.value = fileadmin/templates/css/mycss
# PHP function that add "_es.css" to .value
temp2.postUserFunc = user_module->suffix

# The output is the same and is showed right...
page.15 < temp
page.16 < temp2

# If I do this, the page catches CSS
page.includeCSS {
   file1 < temp.value

# But, instead of the previous, if I do this the page doesn't catch CSS
page.includeCSS {
   file1 < temp2.value

Any idea?


Antonio Álvarez Feijoo
Computer Science Engineer
mailto:aalvarez at igalia.com
Tel: +34 986 10 76 10
Fax: +34 981 91 39 49
Igalia - http://www.igalia.com

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