[TYPO3-extbase-kickstarter] Status extension builder for Typo3 6.2.x

Nicolas de Haen typo3 at ndh-websolutions.de
Tue May 6 10:52:41 CEST 2014

Hi Georg,

the release of the new ExtensionBuilder version 6.2 is very close. In 
fact we are just doing some small improvements in the GUI, but the code 
base is finished for the release.

Did you pull from:
git://git.typo3.org/TYPO3CMS/Extensions/extension_builder.git ?

The master is working and there might be other reasons why it's not 
working in your case. If you think it's a bug please report the details 
at http://forge.typo3.org/projects/extension-extension_builder/issues

If you can't save: du you get an error message? Is there an error 
message in the PHP error log? Try to raise the error_reporting level in 
php.ini to ge some more information about what is going wrong.


Nico de Haen
ndh websolutions

Webprogrammierung, OpenSource, Typo3


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