[TYPO3-extbase-kickstarter] Ext. Builder scaffolding limits

Eric S. Auchterberge endurans at gmail.com
Tue Jul 26 20:11:50 CEST 2011

Hi people,

If I've a model like:

Person   has_a    Address   (which is 1:1),

As Person is the AggregateRoot it must take care of the manipulation of
Address objects. But for example, the scaffolded newPerson view  doesn't
have the extra fields needed to create the address object, nor the
personController Actions have any reference to Address object. So I guess:
that's is the current scaffolding limit and I must to add everything else
like extra fields, proper @param Address the actions, et, ?

Or it could be the case that I a bit confused between the limits of
scaffolding and the extbase magic.


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