[TYPO3-extbase-kickstarter] Suggestion for checking naming conventions during modeling in extension_builder

Andreas Wolf typo3ml at andreaswolf.info
Wed Jul 13 13:14:50 CEST 2011

Hash: SHA256

Hi Christian,

Am 11.07.2011 16:01, schrieb Sonntag, Christian (FTI Germany):
> Is it possible to do some name checking in the extension_builder?
> + Propertynames with autocorrect to lowercase.
> (Propertyname with capitals whould be corrected from extension_builder
> from "eXample" to "e_xample" in the database)
> + Checking for critical names of the model
> (in my case the model "Interface" drives me crazy till i choose another
> name, 
> i dont know if there are other names that could be critical)

I don't know about the current checks implemented in the Extension
Builder, but I think the two checks/tranformations you propose fit in
quite well - after all, the first one is something we should do anyways.

The list of critical names should IMHO be kept extendable, as PHP adds
reserved words from time to time (and we also might reserve some words
during development). There should be a list of PHP reserved names in the
PHP manual.

It would be great if you could dig into the code and propose a patch or
at least tell where you would like to have these changes implemented.
Additionally, please open up an issue in the Forge project.


PS: Please don't take criticism by others too harsh. Sometimes people
tend to forget they're dealing with humans on mailing lists...
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