[TYPO3-doc] Restoring the official manual example
François Suter
fsu-lists at cobweb.ch
Mon Jul 30 13:14:27 CEST 2012
Hi Martin,
Thanks for your extensive explanations, as usual :-)
>> BTW I saw you moved some recurring info to a general include file,
>> that's good.
> Yes, I think so. FLOW3 docs had _Includes.txt for this I think. But
> please let's have Includes.txt.
Fine with me.
> .. role:: underline
Thanks for the explanations. In this particular case, it's quite
interesting as I would say that we should not use underline at all, if
possible, mostly because it looks like links in HTML. I think we have
enough with emphasis and strong emphasis. I would have to check where
underlines were used in the official documentation.
> Once I knew how to create textroles on the fly I wanted to demonstrate
> that possibility and thought of 'typoscript' in first place. And
> because its a long word we can define textrole 'ts' inheriting from
> 'typoscript'. And because of the :class: option in the ".. role::"
> directive that defines the 'ts' textrole it works like this:
The other roles are interesting and useful IMO.
> Yes, that's cool. Up to now I had never gotten to the point where I
> had to think about this. Indeed, for our illustrations that belong to
> the documentation we should be using .. figure:: instead of ..
> image::. You can still decide if you make some images like the TYPO3
> logo, if it occurs, just an .. image::.
> You should only have to replace 'image::' by 'figure::' in our
> Images.txt file(s). And that's it.
> One more cool thing about figures is that they create crossreference
> targets right away and show up with the caption as default link text.
That's what I thought. I think we should really use "figure" instead of
"image", except is some special cases where "image" is enough (even the
use of the TYPO3 logo is not a good example, as this should be part of
the template used in the rendering anyway).
I'll adapt the example manual accordingly.
> Well, the caption belongs to the .. figure:: directive. And if we have
> it in the included file the caption has to go there. You don't have to
> use the replacement technique with "|img-1|" of course. The you would
> just place the whole directive into your manuscript where it belongs:
OK, that's clear enough. I was just wondering what the impact would be
for translations, but I would say it's maybe even better if image
definitions stay in the Images.txt files, as translators can then take
care of both changing the image and its caption.
Francois Suter
Cobweb Development Sarl - http://www.cobweb.ch
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