[TYPO3-caretaker] Hi - let me join!

Martin Bless m.bless at gmx.de
Thu Aug 18 20:14:29 CEST 2011

[Philip Hahn] wrote & schrieb:

>Or maybe the software to generate the keys is not installed. On windows you can't generate them, I think you need openssl?

I'm on Linux with two reasonable installations. Both have openssl and
I have ssh shell access. There are otherwise no permissions problems
with files and folders.

I've gotten a little bit further: One machine does generate key pairs.
So I took a pair and inserted it in the client configuration. Then I
had the "good" machine generating a second pair with the UPDATE

But it seeams I can't get a test working.

Is there a way to get more debug output? Can I increase the loglevel
somehow? Or can I do something else to make Caretalker talk more?



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