[TYPO3-caretaker] New Feature Retry-Test

Martin Kuster mkuster81+typo3 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 10 11:18:39 CET 2009

Hi again,

I just thinked about this retry-feature and how I could use that in my 

One question came up: Isn't that actually already an escalation strategy?
Because e.g. how does a test after multiple execution report the result? 
Is a test that successes after 3 runs as successfully as one, that 
successes after 1 execution? I think that should be configurable..

Best regards

Martin Ficzel wrote:
> I added a maxRetryNumber configuration to the test. Now you can define 
> that a failing test should imediatly be executed again n-times. The 
> default value is zero. For me this made some flickering tests 
> (especially ping and http) behave much more stable.
> Question: I implemented and comitted this as a generic feature of the 
> test-record and the testrunner. It could be implemented as a feature of 
> the ping and http test-service too. What do you prefer.
> Regards Martin

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