[TYPO3-4-3] [TYPO3-core] RFC #13074: Feature: stdWrap for inclusion of CSS and JS files via pageRenderer
JoH asenau
info at cybercraft.de
Fri Feb 12 11:03:44 CET 2010
> No, that were exactly my "fears", which you are talking small, but to
> me are pretty crucial. Manually going through every parameter in
> TSref to scan for potential conflicts sounds like a very audacious
> task.
First of all: If you are afraid to do it, it needn't be your business ;-)
Second: Of course we won't work with TSref but with the code itself, maybe
even using a check that can be triggered by each stdWrap function to test
itself against the list of available stdWrap functions. If one of these
functions should say "Hellooo! I am using a stdWrap parameter name myself
without using the original stdWrap function!" we will recognize that and
think about a solution. If there is no such call, which is what I would
expect, we just go on.
> We need to go through the complete tslib classes and remove all manual
> calls to stdWrap which are then being replaced by the "automagical"
> calls (else we would call it twice).
Of course we will remove them, if there are any "real" stdWrap function
calls outside of stdWrap, since they are going to be handled by stdWrap now.
But I don't see a big deal in removing the if/else clauses from the list of
tslib functions. No real fun, but also not a very complex job. ;-)
Maybe we can even use stdWrap itself to remove an array key after the
stdWrap function has been called, so that it won't be called twice. We just
have to make sure stdWrap is the first one for each cObject in this case.
This way we could remove the superfluous function calls later on, while the
whole stuff would be already working.
> I love the idea and hope we can get that working, but I guess it is
> not as easy as Steffen is implying. Walking through the array is the
> easy part, but the task of cleaning up the existing code is not.
IMHO it IS easy, although a bit time consuming. It's not even something you
really have to think about, since we are not talking about a complex
algorithm but about walking through the $conf Array and calling some
functions triggered by array keys.
I'm just wating for some more +1 to have something like an overall agreement
and then I would like to start thinking about the solution together with
some of the usual suspects.
Just my 2 cents
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