[TYPO3-4-3] [TYPO3-core] RFC #13074: Feature: stdWrap for inclusion of CSS and JS files via pageRenderer

Steffen Kamper ks at dislabs.de
Fri Feb 12 10:44:24 CET 2010

Hi Ernesto,

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] schrieb:
> We need to go through the complete tslib classes and remove all manual
> calls to stdWrap which are then being replaced by the "automagical"
> calls (else we would call it twice).
> I love the idea and hope we can get that working, but I guess it is not
> as easy as Steffen is implying. Walking through the array is the easy
> part, but the task of cleaning up the existing code is not.

that's why i said, seperate concept from technical implementation.

We just give it a try and then we se if it works as it should. That's 
the only way to find out if we get real complexity or may be solve it at 
a central point.
I will start trying implement next week and let you know / send patches 
for testing

vg Steffen

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