[TYPO3-german] Bilder werden falsch skaliert

Martin martinstockffm at googlemail.com
Tue Feb 23 20:35:03 CET 2016

Ich nutze Typo3 CMS 6.2.15 und die dafür vorgesehene Extension tx_news. 

Die Bilder werden falsch skaliert. Im Typoscript ist folgendes eingetragen:

# ==============================================
# FE-Plugin configuration for EXT:news
# ==============================================
plugin.tx_news {
  mvc.callDefaultActionIfActionCantBeResolved = 1

  persistence {
    classes {
      Tx_News_Domain_Model_News {
        subclasses {
          0 = Tx_News_Domain_Model_NewsDefault
          1 = Tx_News_Domain_Model_NewsExternal
          2 = Tx_News_Domain_Model_NewsInternal

      Tx_News_Domain_Model_NewsDefault {
        mapping {
          recordType = 0
          tableName = tx_news_domain_model_news
      Tx_News_Domain_Model_NewsExternal {
        mapping {
          recordType = 1
          tableName = tx_news_domain_model_news

      Tx_News_Domain_Model_NewsInternal {
        mapping {
          recordType = 2
          tableName = tx_news_domain_model_news
  view {
    templateRootPath = fileadmin/templates/ext/news/Templates/
                partialRootPath = fileadmin/templates/ext/news/Partials/
                layoutRootPath = fileadmin/templates/ext/news/Layouts/
# Rendering of content elements in detail view
lib.tx_news.contentElementRendering = RECORDS
lib.tx_news.contentElementRendering {
  tables = tt_content
  source.current = 1
  dontCheckPid = 1

lib.news = USER
lib.news {
                userFunc = tx_extbase_core_bootstrap->run
                pluginName = Pi1
                extensionName = News
                controller = News
                settings =< plugin.tx_news.settings
                persistence =< plugin.tx_news.persistence
                view =< plugin.tx_news.view
  settings {
    categories = 2
    categoryConjunction = and
lib.news_list < lib.news
lib.news_list {
                action = list
                switchableControllerActions.News.1 = list
lib.news_detail < lib.news
lib.news_detail {
                action = detail
                switchableControllerActions.News.1 = detail
[globalVar = GP:tx_news_pi1|news > 0]
        page.10.marks.content < lib.news_detail
        page.10.marks.content < lib.news_list

plugin.tx_news.view.widget.Tx_News_ViewHelpers_Widget_PaginateViewHelper.templateRootPath = fileadmin/templates/ext/news/Templates/

    plugin.tx_news {
      settings {
        # --------------
        #  Detail
        # --------------
        detail {
          # media configuration
          media {
            image {
                # choose the rel tag like gallery[fo]
              lightbox = lightbox[myImageSet]
              maxWidth = 300
              maxHeight = 196
        # --------------
        #  List
        # --------------
        list {
          # media configuration
          media {
            image {
              maxWidth = 300
              maxHeight = 196
            dummyImage = typo3conf/ext/news/Resources/Public/Images/dummy-preview-image.png

plugin.tx_news {
mvc.callDefaultActionIfActionCantBeResolved = 1
# Modify the Translation
  more-link = Mehr lesen
  author =

Im Konstanten-Editor habe ich auch die Werte 300 und 196 eingetragen, bei Content.

Im Fluid-Template sind keine Zahlenwerte eingetragen worden. Die Caches sind soweit geleert. Aber trotzdem skaliert Typo3 die Bilder in der Breite zu "261" und in der Höhe zu "196". Die Höhe stimmt, nur die Breite nicht!

Was kann ich noch probieren, um es endlich richtig zu skalieren?

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