[TYPO3-english] TYPO3 CMS and ElasticSearch

ben van 't ende ben.vantende at typo3.org
Wed Jan 14 14:57:03 CET 2015

Hey Jerome,

There currently is a Flow package made by Sebastian Kurfürst.

Kay Strobach has also worked on Elastic integration. It is about hooking into
tcemain like in ext:solr and pushing the changes either on page rendering like
indexed search or on change like solr does it for some records.

I will PM you with Kay's email address. Maybe you can hook up and get that of
the ground.

gRTZ ben

On 14/01/15 08:01, Jerome P wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'm searching for an extension allowing the use of ElasticSearch with TYPO3, but
> I was surprised to see that there are none. There is an extension for Solr, but
> nothing for ElasticSearch ; or more precisely, not for TYPO3 CMS. I saw that a
> package is in development for TYPO3 Flow/Neos, but unfortunately I'm working
> with TYPO3 CMS, not Neos.
> Did I miss something ? Is such an extension planned for TYPO3 CMS ?
> Thanks !

TYPO3 Community Manager

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