[TYPO3-english] Multi Domain import loses menu

bernd wilke t3ng at bernd-wilke.net
Mon Sep 1 10:25:43 CEST 2014

Am 01.09.14 09:42, schrieb Paul Warner:
>> the mentioned records and fields are part of core. no extensions needed.
>> as you wrote you could access a dummy site with the second domain the
>> base configuration (apache, htaccess, realurl-config if needed, ...)
>> should be correct - if you also could access the first domain. if you
>> *only* could access the second domain the configuration was not correct.
>> if your import broke the correct working installation you need to look
>> for the changes the import did: did the import change some of the
>> records/fields I mentioned? did the imported typoscript break
>> configuration?
> Thanks (again) for the reply! :-)
> The import (plus bringing in all the necessary adjunct files) broke only
> one thing, as far as I can tell: the navigation on the imported site.
> The site I started with continues to function just fine.  The navigation
> for the imported site (and it doesn't matter which of the two sites I
> started with) adopts the navigation/menu of the first site.  The
> template is there in full.  But the navigation is wrong, and doesn't
> work.  If you click on a menu item in the imported site, you get a new
> url in the field at the top of the browser, but the page doesn't change
> (no page not found, for instance), although one can still navigate on
> the initial site correctly.  I removed the navigation extension realurl
> from one website so the two would be consistent, so I get a url like:
> website.url.org/index.php?id=52, etc.  But, as I said, the page does not
> change for the imported site.

for realurl you may need to build up two different configuration in 
mostly a definition of default is enough:

$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['realurl'] = array (
	'_DEFAULT' => array (

but you may copy it for every domain you use:
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['realurl']['my.first.domain'] = 
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['realurl']['my.second.domain'] = 

depending on your menu-definitions you may need to adapt the settings.
mostly should be done setting "Use as Root Page" of the rootpage of each 
(Page edit
-> Tab /Behaviour\
-> *Miscellaneous*
"Use as Root Page"
[x] Enabled

and have you set this typoscript:
config.typolinkCheckRootline = 1
config.typolinkEnableLinksAcrossDomains = 1

maybe you defined your menus as kind 'directory' and the value is not 


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