[TYPO3-english] Re: Re: Multi Domain import loses menu

Paul Warner paulwwarner at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 1 09:42:18 CEST 2014

> the mentioned records and fields are part of core. no extensions needed.
> as you wrote you could access a dummy site with the second domain the
> base configuration (apache, htaccess, realurl-config if needed, ...)
> should be correct - if you also could access the first domain. if you
> *only* could access the second domain the configuration was not correct.

> if your import broke the correct working installation you need to look
> for the changes the import did: did the import change some of the
> records/fields I mentioned? did the imported typoscript break configuration?

Thanks (again) for the reply! :-)

The import (plus bringing in all the necessary adjunct files) broke only one thing, as far as I can tell: the navigation on the imported site.  The site I started with continues to function just fine.  The navigation for the imported site (and it doesn't matter which of the two sites I started with) adopts the navigation/menu of the first site.  The template is there in full.  But the navigation is wrong, and doesn't work.  If you click on a menu item in the imported site, you get a new url in the field at the top of the browser, but the page doesn't change (no page not found, for instance), although one can still navigate on the initial site correctly.  I removed the navigation extension realurl from one website so the two would be consistent, so I get a url like: website.url.org/index.php?id=52, etc.  But, as I said, the page does not change for the imported site.

Best regards,

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