[TYPO3-english] GMENU_LAYOUT / T36.2+ RO doesn't works

Alex Tuveri at at uniud.it
Fri Oct 31 12:16:34 CET 2014

Hi following the suggestion:

"Until TYPO3 6.0 the menu objects GMENU_LAYERS, TMENU_LAYERS and GMENU_FOLDOUT were part of the TYPO3 Core. Since TYPO3 6.1 they have been moved to the extension statictemplates, which with TYPO3 6.1 has itself been removed from the TYPO3 Core. In order to use these menu objects now, you need to install statictemplates from TER."

I installed statictemplates and noticed that the ROLLOVER function doesn't work as expected. 

Is this a bug?

Have a look to this TS code, running correctly until V. 4.5.37:

lib.mainmenu = HMENU
lib.mainmenu.special = directory
lib.mainmenu.special.value = {$mysite.pidTopMenu}
lib.mainmenu.1 = GMENU_LAYERS
lib.mainmenu.1 {
freezeMouseover = 1
  layer_menu_id = gmenu
  //layerStyle = position: relative; visibility:hidden; z-index: 1000000;
        xPosOffset = 0
        hideMenuWhenNotOver = 24
        expAll = 1
        relativeToTriggerItem = 1
        topOffset = 40
        leftOffset = 0

        NO {
                XY = 235,24

                5 = IMAGE
                5.file = typo3conf/ext/colstyler/template/main/images/buttons_NO.gif

                10 = TEXT
                10.text.field = title
                //10.text.case = upper
                10.fontFile = {$mysite.pathFonts}GOTHICB.TTF
                10.fontColor = #ffffff
                10.fontSize = 14

                //10.spacing = 0.2
                10.offset = 40,18
                10.align = left
                10.niceText = 1
                //allWrap = |<br />

        RO < .NO
        RO = 1
        RO {

            5 = IMAGE
            5.file = typo3conf/ext/colstyler/template/main/images/buttons_RO.gif
                        //5.tile = 10,5
                        //backColor = #DD0304
            10.fontColor = #014704
            //10.shadow.offset = 2,2
            //10.shadow.color = #0067A8
            //10.shadow.opacity = 100

what this code should do?
- read an image used an graphic background for a button
- place over this image some TEXT created with a specific font, color, etc.

what happens?
the code for RO (5 = IMAGE) is ignored at all (?)

someone can help me?

thank you

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