[TYPO3-english] TYPO3 6.2 which Extensions will still work?
Georg Ringer
typo3 at ringerge.org
Tue Jun 11 07:53:27 CEST 2013
as always, just too much text about too many other things
Am 10.06.2013 16:26, schrieb Andreas Becker:
> Is it worth in continue using the extensions you just mentioned above? I
> think no!
really depends want "using" means. if you don't wanna start to maintain
or fork and nobody other does it, you won't get any features and needed
changes after the release of a new version or never.
> So customers need to move to new extensions and transfer all their content.
scripts can do a lot. if a customer switches from a big page in !TYPO3
to TYPO3, any good agency won't let the customer create thousands of
pages again by hand :)
> Many reasons to have a
> look also for other solutions.
you should always consider looking in other solutions. this is the web,
thinks are changing there pretty fast.
nice tweet I read yesterday: now that CSS3 can handle round borders,
shadows, opacity, flat design is cool ;)
> i.e. if people are using tt_news and need translations and perhaps a good
> publishing solution than one of the best solutions will be ezPublish in the
> clouds http://ez.no/eZ-on-Cloud/Open-Source-CMS-CXM-for-the-cloud
why do you suggest a different CMS? First of all there is a current news
extension (Yes true, done by me but who cares) and many times a website
needs more than news.
> ezPublish is secure and very well maintained since years and major playors
> like those on TYPO3 build their websites with eZ.
if any other cms fits your needs better, may your customer change, the
other cms or whatever, use the best tool you wanna use.
> Another solution is Drupal.
and there are thousand other CMS, frameworks, non open source and so on.
There even other langauges like java which you can use.
But I doubt there are no drawbacks with the other cms. Drupal is known
to break stuff in major versions ;)
In the end you need to use 1st) the tool which fits and 2nd) the tool
you know. It won't be good to switch cms every 2 months ;) So if you
wanna stick to TYPO3 because you know it, trust the developers, ....
whatever, ... you can also invest in the ecosystem as you also with
those packages (I don't use them but if they are good for others, great
- thanks!)
> Open source Press meanwhile switched from TYPO3 to webEdition.
Companies switch all the times and sometimes the reason behind it is
just really stupid. E.g. the agency fucked it up and now the boss never
wants to hear the name of the CMS anymore and changes not only the cms
but everything, maybe also the complete IT department...
> A System I
> never heard before about it but which is = to be honest a great solution
> especially because it gets many features already included and simply give
> it a try and install it - THIS is a great install tool! Wow! Nice and with
> lots of informations! Very easy and you are ready to start.
and Christian Kuhn invests *a lot* of time to make a better install tool
too! E.g. the environment check. Many things have been done in the last
versions (e.g. the whole bootstrap) to make those things possible and to
have *now* results!
> What should we now tell customers who want to upgrade to 6.* but now are
> running TemplaVoila, tt_news, cal, mm_forum and smooth galleria and a shop
> based on commerce or tt_products.
that the web evolves, TYPO3 evolves and extensions change. It was not my
decission that mootools is more or less dead and jquery the big star. I
got a new version of rgsmoothgallery on
https://github.com/georgringer/rgsmoothgallery which is completly new
and jquery based.
> They are very happy with the way they can Create their own look of the
> website easily using the framework for templavoila. They like tt_news as it
> is similar to tt_products.
and I bet there are 100 agencies having the same issues. If every agency
invests a little time/money, a maintainer could be found. I doubt you
need more features but just a maintainer.
> A switch to TYPO3 6.1 isn't easy at all as
> said already
didn't have many problems myself.
> Since today we stopped our TV development completely as it does not make
> sense at all to sell customers things which they would need to update right
> the way to very high costs!
I wouldn't stop that fast but just IMHO
> Instead we focus on helping customers to find a
> good solutions specific to each one is specific and different.
I expected that you did this already? having the best solution for the
customer and not the solution which fits you the best? ;)
> I guess
> under the current circumstances probably 50% will continue using TYPO3
> until the 4.5LTS stops running and others will move on to other Solutions!
I doubt. have you looked at the mapping extension of oliver Hader? I got
some ideas for that as well.
> Let's see and hope the best! TYPO3 without Templavoila seems to be dying if
> not a similar flexible and easy to use alternative will be presented soon.
> Sad!
It is sad that people always write such strong words. Do you really
think that makes it better for anyone? We all really *care*!
Alternatives are getting done all the time. As an example, take a look
at those changelogs
EXT:news http://forge.typo3.org/projects/extension-news/activity
=> There are changes daily! I respond most of the time < 24hours
EXT:mapping https://github.com/ohader/mapping/commits/master
=> Regular changes too (of course it is still a bit more than a draft
but it works)
You can start to use those alternatives, contribute ideas, ... you know
how it works ;)
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