[TYPO3-english] TSconfig to disable non-editable records
Elena Bartolotti
elena-typo3 at intera.it
Mon Nov 21 14:55:13 CET 2011
Grazie Michael,
but this isn't the solution for my problem.
Il 16/11/2011 09:52, Michael Cannon ha scritto:
> Buon giorno Elena,
> Have you tried putting something like mod.web_list.hideTables into your
> page or user TSConfig?
> mod.web_list.hideTables = tt_news,tt_news_cat,blah,blah
> This TSConfig will hide the tables from the List mode view.
> There should be NO spaces between table names and commas.
> Do note that for tables shown on the global root like static_* will need to
> have the mod.web_list.hideTables put into the user TSConfig as there's no
> page TSConfig on the root level.
> mod.web_list.hideTables =
> static_countries,static_country_zones,static_currencies,static_languages,static_territories,static_taxes,static_markets
> @ref
> http://typo3.org/documentation/document-library/references/doc_core_tsconfig/4.1.0/view/1/3/
> Michael
> --
> Michael Cannon
> The TYPO3 Vagabond<http://typo3vagabond.com> @ in2code.de
> Been there, done that, 25 years of coding
> Germany +49 (0)160 574 1973
> US +1 617 539 6072
> http://typo3vagabond.com
<font color="#999999" face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"><font
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