[TYPO3-english] Tricky TypoScript question concerning stdWrap and conditions
Jörg Klein
joerg at klein-family.com
Sun Jun 26 16:40:41 CEST 2011
Hi Peter,
"Peter Niederlag" schrieb im Newsbeitrag...
> compile a list of page.uids that are shortcut targets of leveluid:1
> select group_concat(target_pid) as page_list from pages where
> page_type=shortcut and shortcut_target_id={leveluid:i1}
> insertData=1
> either put that in a register or straight into equals.stdRwap.cObject
> compare with if.isInList.data = field.uid
thanks for your thoughts!
I have tried your first idea, but I did not get it to work.
E.g. with something like that:
typolink.parameter {
data = leveluid:1
if {
value.data = field:uid
isInList.cObject {
table = pages
select {
pidInList = group_concat ({field:uid})
where = doktype=4 AND shortcut={leveluid:1}
> Or, just add a userFunc into equls.postUserFunc that generetes the list
> for you.
Yes, that is the way I did it now. After all I think it's easier to write
the code in PHP directly instead of writing it in TypoScript.
Cheers and thanks again!
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