[TYPO3-english] question about transferring typo3 site

Alessandro Tuveri at at uniud.it
Wed Jun 22 19:59:53 CEST 2011

what is the output of php.log (low right corner of your desktop, click  
on the WAMP icon and Quoting tom liu <tomliutest at gmail.com>:

> what could be the problem?

There are some reasons:

1. do you have one/more extension installed on the remote server under  
typo3/ext GLOBAL SCOPE?

2. the version (php/apache/typo3) running on your PC is the same of  
the server?

3. is the typo3 installed in the right location? I.e. i use as  
localhost C:\wamp\www and within www dir I have reinstalled TYPO3 for  
each site; this because symlinks are not available under WINDOWS.


CSIT, Centro Servizi Informatici e Telematici
Università degli Studi di Udine
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