[TYPO3-english] closing of HTML tags
Douglas La Farge
doug at gcnpublishing.com
Wed Sep 29 20:22:37 CEST 2010
I'm certain it is fair to assume that the behavior I describe below is a new "feature" in Typo3 4.4 (maybe it got added in 4.3?).
I have this set up for tt_content containers on a page.
HTML container
tt_news container
HTML container.
The first HTML container contains (only):
<div class=news_list_format>
The tt_news container is a typical LIST container
The last HTML container contains (only):
The reason I do this is so we can format each tt_news container (as seen here):
notice the colored box behind the LIST containers in the left middle column (Medical Dermatology, etc.).
So apparently Typo3 4.4 sees this open div tag in the HTML container and closes it for me. I don't want that.
instead of getting
<div class=news_list_format>
tt_news LIST output
I get:
<div class=news_list_format>
tt_news LIST output
This then leaves the pretty little tan background image as a thin line which isn't acceptable.
If there was another way to wrap tt_content with div tags I'd try that. But that was a failed experiment.
So how do I turn this new behavior off?
Doug La Farge
GCN Publishing, Inc.
Internet Design, Development and Consulting For Today's Media Companies
203.665.6211 x209
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