[TYPO3-english] typoscript- SPLIT TOKEN CHAR on single menu item in TMENU
jaco graaff
jaco at spacexplorer.co.za
Fri Jul 31 02:47:51 CEST 2009
Hi - I have been trying to get the split function to work on individual
menu items - but I can't get to it through typoscript - My site needs
the following style for headers and menu:
<b>Menu</b> name 01
<b>Another</b> menu
I want to place individual styling on the first word or put a <br/> tag
into the menu to get this:
<b>Menu</b><br/> name 01
<b>Another</b><br/> menu
Now - I was able to do it with my headings:
lib.stdheader.10.1 >
lib.stdheader.10.1 = COA
lib.stdheader.10.1 {
20 = TEXT
20.current = 1
20.insertData = 1
20.fontTag = <h1{register:headerStyle}{register:headerClass}>|</h1>
20.split {
token.char = 32
cObjNum = 1
min = 2
1.current = 1
wrap = <span style="color:blue;
font-weight:bold">| |*|| |*|</span><span style="">| </span>
I use the min = 2 because the last would always be used if there is only
one element - sequence of optionsplit is last, first, middle
ANYWAY - I cant get to menu item
I tried this as a test
page.14 = HMENU
page.14 {
1.NO.stdWrap.cObject = TEXT
field = title
split {
# Split the string at the SPACE char
token.char = 32
cObjNum = 1
1.current = 1
# Wrap each part
1.wrap = <span style="font-size:8px">first</span><span
style="color:blue; font-weight:bold">|,</span> |*|<span
style="font-size:8px">middle</span>|, |*|<span
there are 3 menu items:
1.home menu, 2.second item here, 3.very long title
but it gives this output:
first home, first menu, middle second, middle item, middle here, last
very. last long. last title.
So it handles the whole menu as one looooooong string and puts
formatting of the first option on all the individual words of the first
menu name
Jaco Graaff
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