[TYPO3-english] access database from a different page + ext development
Michael Miousse
mmiousse at infoglobe.ca
Thu Feb 19 14:12:01 CET 2009
Le Wed, 18 Feb 2009 16:31:43 +1300, Filype Pereira a écrit :
> Hi all,
> I need to access the database using the login, password from typo3 in my
> class.
> Example: $sql_products = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery(
> 'p.uid',
> 'tx_mshop_products_categories_mm pc, tx_mshop_products p', 'p.uid =
> pc.uid_local and pc.uid_foreign = 9', '', '', '');
> I can use the code above on a page p1/class.tx_testext_pi1.php but not
> on my page that i started on pi1/class.product.php.
how do you call this class : pi1/class.product.php.
if it is a script run manualy you wont have acces to $GLOBALS['TYOP3_DB']
but their is a way to do it
> I would appreciate any help.
> Thanks,
> Filype
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