[TYPO3] Premature end of script headers

Matyi Gábor gmatyi at freemail.hu
Thu Feb 14 09:50:54 CET 2008

>Matyi Gábor wrote:
>> I use perfectlightbox, dam, tt_news and templavoila. If I delete the frontend cache and I click on any article, I get an sever error:  Premature end of script headers: index.php I increment the memory limit to the php.ini, but the error comes again.
>> If I don't use templavoila, I don't get this error. 
>> Any idea?

>All as usual: Apache error log, PHP error reporting...


I set this in the install tool:

 [SYS][displayErrors] = 1

and I see the apache error log. Unfortunately there is no further information. I get only  this error.

permature end of scipt header: index.php

How can I get further information about this error?


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