[TYPO3] Drop-down Sitemap

A. Piazza anymail at anyplace.com
Tue Feb 12 22:51:50 CET 2008


I'm trying to use Drop-down sitemap without success.  The browser 
remains in a loop and my server's log reports the following errors:

File does not exist: /home/site/public_html/function (iterator, context) 
{    iterator = iterator.bind(context);    var result; 
this.each(function (value, index) {if (iterator(value, index)) {result = 
value;throw $break;}});    return result;}
File does not exist: /home/site/public_html/function (iterator, context) 
{    var index = 0;    iterator = iterator.bind(context);    try { 
   this._each(function (value) {iterator(value, index++);});    } catch 
(e) {        if (e != $break) {            throw e;        }    } 
return this;}

Both functions belong to: /ext/api_macmade/res/js/prototype/prototype.js

Of course prototype.js seems to be okay.  Folder js=755 and prototype.js=644

Any help?
Thank you

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