[TYPO3-english] GET Variables in typo3
Dmitry Dulepov
dmitry at typo3.org
Tue Dec 30 12:02:00 CET 2008
Szymek wrote:
> ok so what can i do to use get/post variables and have it cached ?
For example:
1. Add a hidden field into the form named "typo3_user_int" and set it to 1
2. Change TS for your plugin to have this:
plugin.tx_extkey_pi1 = USER
[globaVar = GP:typo3_user_int=1]
plugin.tx_extkey_pi1 = USER_INT
It will make your plugin non–cachable when form is submitted. The plugin will process data and execute.
3. Clear cache for a page if it needs to show new data. PHP code:
// Include file on global level
require_once(PATH_t3lib . 'class.t3lib_tcemain.php');
// Inside form processing:
$tce = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_TCEmain');
Again, get the book on the extension programming. It will save lots of time and questions :)
Dmitry Dulepov
TYPO3 core team
In the blog: http://typo3bloke.net/post-details/why_your_typo3_installation_can_be_slow/
My TYPO3 book: http://www.packtpub.com/typo3-extension-development/book
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