[TYPO3-english] Typo3 Menu hides in sub-pages

Andreas Burg typo3 at andreasburg.de
Thu Dec 11 19:53:22 CET 2008

Hi Stephen,

> page.10.marks.LEFT_MENU = HMENU
> page.10.marks.LEFT_MENU {
>   entryLevel = 0
>   1 = TMENU
>   1 {
>     NO {
>            allWrap= <li>>> |</li>
>     }
>     CUR < .NO
>     ACT < .CUR

you only need the above 2 lines, if you like to make some changes against the NO state. And it will 
not work at all, cause you haven't activated the NO state. Activate the NO state, even if you don't 
have to activate the NO state, as now you're able to copy the NO state to all the other states 
without activating them.

NO = 1
NO = different stuff
NO = red

ACT = yellow

# results in
# ACT = 1
# ACT = different stuff
# ACT = yellow

CUR = green

# same effect as in ACT state

>   }
>   2 < .1
> }


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