[TYPO3] Cache loeschen fuer einzelne Records

helge preuss regnans at gmail.com
Fri Apr 18 13:49:56 CEST 2008


I have to clear the cache for a page from an extension, in PHP. I don't 
want to clear all entries associated with this page, but only for a 
particular GET-parameter (marked with a cHash-value, of course). 
t3lib_TCEmain::clear_cacheCmd() works only on pages, though (if the 
documentation is right).

I haven't found any documentation on how the cached entries are created 
and indexed. The caching tables store neither the cHash value nor the 
GET parameters in clear text. In brief, I don't understand the structure 
of the caching tables.

Can anybody help me out with a command from the Typo3 API which clears 
the cache for a particular URL with GET parameters, or some 
documentation about the caching tables (in particular cache_pages, I 
think), so I can assemble such a command by myself?



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