[TYPO3] direct_mail remove header css styles
Erik Svendsen
erik at linnearad.no
Tue Apr 15 17:30:44 CEST 2008
Hello Redvald,
> Yes, now it is tables all over :-)
> But i don´t get how to style the MORE item. Because iven if a style
> the TD tag, the style is owerwritten by the standard a style, it
> seems. So the MORE link is blue and underlined.
> red
Look at the news template. The tags and classes are defined there. Think
it's <span class="news-more-link">link</span>. But probably it will not help,
because you don't get any attributes to the <a> tag. Else, the <a> tag is
inserted where the <!--###LINK_ITEM###--> markers are. I have tried to find
how it is generated in the php, but haven't yet. I suppose there are possibilities
to add parameters to the a tag, but then you will add it to all <a> tags
made by ###LINK_ITEM###. The titleattr and alt-text are defined.
But you may try a GMail trick. Make a content element right after your body-tag.
Use clean html, and populate with styles like you would do in head part.
May work. Another trick is to use style in the head, but have the same style
inside the body-tag. Not correct HTML, but with newsletter you don't follow
the W3C spesifications.
But to be frank. It's impossible to get all the MUA (mail user agent) to
show the newsletter in av perfect way. So I would stick with the blue links.
Newsletters has to be done as simple as possible, and designelements has
to be done with pictures.
Have made about 10 - 12 newsletter templates, and haven't managed it yet.
When it works so the design isn't broken, and looks more and less the same
(95 %) in Outlook 2003, Outlook 2007, Outlook Express, Thunderbird, Evolution,
GMail, Yahoo Mail and Hotmail i don't care about any more perfection.
Erik Svendsen
> On 2008-04-14 19:58:40 +0200, <otto at webspinnerij.nl> said:
>> Hi red,
>> By now you probably fund out it is practicable to use tables instead
>> of div
>> styling for your newsletters.
>> The advantage is that you can than inline style the TD tag of the
>> more item.
>> Regards,
>> Otto van Bruggen
>> Webspinnerij
>> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
>> Van: typo3-english-bounces at lists.netfielders.de
>> [mailto:typo3-english-bounces at lists.netfielders.de] Namens Redvald
>> Hjulstad
>> Verzonden: maandag 14 april 2008 17:55
>> Aan: typo3-english at lists.netfielders.de
>> Onderwerp: Re: [TYPO3] direct_mail remove header css styles
>> Thank you all!
>> I have only one thing left:
>> How can I so inline styling of the "more" link in tt_news? I can not
>> find any wrapping for it in ts.
>> red
>> On 2008-04-13 23:43:55 +0200, Daniel Doesburg <daniel at typo3-nl.eu>
>> said:
>>> Hi Otto,
>>> Thanks for this link.
>>> Daniel
>>> otto at webspinnerij.nl schreef:
>>>> Hello All,
>>>> I found this site tob e very helpful:
>>>> http://www.campaignmonitor.com/resources/templates.aspx
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Erik Svendsen
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