[TYPO3] direct_mail remove header css styles
Redvald Hjulstad
redvald at hjulstad.no
Tue Apr 15 13:19:36 CEST 2008
Yes, now it is tables all over :-)
But i don´t get how to style the MORE item. Because iven if a style the
TD tag, the style is owerwritten by the standard a style, it seems. So
the MORE link is blue and underlined.
On 2008-04-14 19:58:40 +0200, <otto at webspinnerij.nl> said:
> Hi red,
> By now you probably fund out it is practicable to use tables instead of div
> styling for your newsletters.
> The advantage is that you can than inline style the TD tag of the more item.
> Regards,
> Otto van Bruggen
> Webspinnerij
> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: typo3-english-bounces at lists.netfielders.de
> [mailto:typo3-english-bounces at lists.netfielders.de] Namens Redvald Hjulstad
> Verzonden: maandag 14 april 2008 17:55
> Aan: typo3-english at lists.netfielders.de
> Onderwerp: Re: [TYPO3] direct_mail remove header css styles
> Thank you all!
> I have only one thing left:
> How can I so inline styling of the "more" link in tt_news? I can not
> find any wrapping for it in ts.
> red
> On 2008-04-13 23:43:55 +0200, Daniel Doesburg <daniel at typo3-nl.eu> said:
>> Hi Otto,
>> Thanks for this link.
>> Daniel
>> otto at webspinnerij.nl schreef:
>>> Hello All,
>>> I found this site tob e very helpful:
>>> http://www.campaignmonitor.com/resources/templates.aspx
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