[TYPO3] RTE - linking images

Rakowski Tomasz raczek at open.infi.pl
Tue Jun 26 22:06:43 CEST 2007


Could you tell me what can be wrong with my installation or environment 
in following circumstances:

I use RTE to DAM in RTE to place an image in text - works fine.
But when I want to make image a link to some file within a tree 
structure (filedamin, etc) it cannot be done, because I cannot browse 
those folders. They all appear in the tree list as dimmed ones and you 
can only click on them if they have any subfolders, but you cannot click 
on the subfolder itself neither it lists the files inside.

I am asking for any hints, because I found out that this can be 
environment/configuration related issue as it works nice and easy on my 
other installations on different providers.

Do you have any idea what should I look for?

thx very much for your help


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