[Typo3] Shared content between different domain names
Roberts, Emma
Emma.Roberts at isd.csa.scot.nhs.uk
Tue Jun 21 17:45:50 CEST 2005
Hi everyone,
I have several sites with their own domain name set up on one typo3 tree.
I have a page of the tree containing common footer links for each site ie
accessiblity, links policy and disclaimer. I was using the template setup
to make these appear in each page of my site:
#footer menu
subparts.FOOTER = HMENU
subparts.FOOTER.special = directory
subparts.FOOTER.special.value = 472
subparts.FOOTER.1 = TMENU
subparts.FOOTER.1.target = _blank
subparts.FOOTER.1.NO {
allWrap = <span class="Utility">| • </span>
ATagBeforeWrap = 0
This worked until I set up the domain names on parts of the tree - the
directory containing the footer links is above the sites. Is there a way
around this or will I have to copy and past the whole directory into each
Thanks for any suggestions.
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