[Typo3] Problems with tt_news in HTML template (Solved!)

Alan Langford jal at ambitonline.com
Sat Jun 18 02:52:34 CEST 2005

Alan Langford wrote:
> I'm using typo3 3.8.0 and tt_news 2.2.21. I'm new to typo3, so this is 
> probably something dumb that I've missed...
> I set up a page using a standard template and added the news plug-in, 
> created a sysFolder, added an news item, and everything displays just 
> fine -- so the plug-in works.
> I set up a page (called Welcome) using and extension of my HTML 
> template. I added "CSS Styled Content", "CSS-based tmpl (tt_news)", and 
> "default CSS Styles (tt_news)" to the template extension.
> I want to put news into a subpart flagged as ###contentRight###... so I 
> added the news plug-in to the page, set it up to give me LATEST, pointed 
> it at the News sysFolder, and this is my template extension's setup:
> page.10.subparts.contentMain = TEXT
> page.10.subparts.contentMain.value = Place holder for welcome content
> plugin.tt_news = USER_INT
> plugin.tt_news.code = LATEST
> page.10.subparts.contentRight < plugin.tt_news
> (At this point I'm just trying to get some content on the page; I'll 
> deal with formatting later).
> What I get when I call this page up is a "tt_news configuration error" 
> that says I didn't set up code... but I have. The Template Object 
> Browser seems to agree with me.
> So now I don't know what's going wrong! Help!

The error message was misleading. Once I set up all the other tt_news 
parameters I wanted, everything worked fine. I'm not sure which 
parameter set does the trick, but if you have this problem just finish 
all the configuration before looking at the page and you can save a lot 
of time wondering which simple thing you didn't get!

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