[Typo3] Problems with tt_news in HTML template

Alan Langford jal at ambitonline.com
Wed Jun 15 19:35:32 CEST 2005

I'm using typo3 3.8.0 and tt_news 2.2.21. I'm new to typo3, so this is 
probably something dumb that I've missed...

I set up a page using a standard template and added the news plug-in, 
created a sysFolder, added an news item, and everything displays just 
fine -- so the plug-in works.

I set up a page (called Welcome) using and extension of my HTML 
template. I added "CSS Styled Content", "CSS-based tmpl (tt_news)", and 
"default CSS Styles (tt_news)" to the template extension.

I want to put news into a subpart flagged as ###contentRight###... so I 
added the news plug-in to the page, set it up to give me LATEST, pointed 
it at the News sysFolder, and this is my template extension's setup:

page.10.subparts.contentMain = TEXT
page.10.subparts.contentMain.value = Place holder for welcome content

plugin.tt_news = USER_INT
plugin.tt_news.code = LATEST
page.10.subparts.contentRight < plugin.tt_news

(At this point I'm just trying to get some content on the page; I'll 
deal with formatting later).

What I get when I call this page up is a "tt_news configuration error" 
that says I didn't set up code... but I have. The Template Object 
Browser seems to agree with me.

So now I don't know what's going wrong! Help!

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