[Typo3] Backend Characterset
Bernhard Kraft
kraftb at kraftb.at
Mon Jun 13 21:46:14 CEST 2005
Matt Webb wrote:
> Hi list
> Hi there, i have a multi language Typo 3 site, and want to add a Greek version. I have everything on the front-end set up fine, however i cannot configure the backend to be in Greek ? when i select greek from the dropdown in the set-up nothing happens. I have come to the conclusion, to make this work, i need the backend of the site to be set to "charset=iso-8859-7". But dont know hot to do this without doing it globally.
> Does anyone know how i can make the charset change when a user logs in who has their back-end language set to greek ???
> Any help would be great.
Normally it should be sufficient to go to the "User > Setup" module and select "Greek"
as the Language of the Editor.
I did two sites with (German)/English/Japanese/(Slowenian). When I did the first site
(all 4 languages) it startet with German/English which were both iso-8859-1. Then the
customer also wanted Slowening (8859-2) and Japanes (shift-8 or such). At that moment
I decided to switch the site to utf-8 which covers all charsets.
I did that by making a database dump and converting it to utf-8 with iconv (unix tool)
iconv -f iso-8859-1 -t utf-8 ./source.mysql > ./dest.mysql
Then I droped the old database and imported the converted one. It worked almost flawlessly
(AFAIK there were some issues with german umlauts in filenames as the files werent converted)
There is also an T3 extension which does this job without importing and reimporting the database
and perhaps also the issue with the files are gone ... just search for "utf-8" in the TER.
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