[Typo3] firefox and cache

Olivier Dobberkau olivier.dobberkau at dkd.de
Thu Jun 9 23:08:59 CEST 2005

Zach Davis wrote:
> So, I'm setting up indexed search for a client -- none of the pages
> were getting indexed, although as far as I could tell everything was
> configured correctly.
> Finally, I look at the frontend in IE and the pages get cached. I quit
> firefox completely, login to the backend on IE, reopen firefox, and
> view the site in the frontend using firefox (my thinking is that
> pages aren't getting cached because I have the admin panel open).
> Pages stil don't get cached. I browse the frontend again using IE and
> Safari, and everything gets cached properly.
> Any thoughts on why this would be happening?
> Your help is, as always, much appreciated!
> best,
> Zach

hi zach.

that is really strange.
reasons could be: some extension set nocache = 1.

please test this way:
empty the indexes with phpmyadmin
crawl the page with a crawler like wget, httrack or linksleuth.
look was is happening...
report back with a list of extensions.


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