[Typo3] Language from plugin not used

Søren Schaffstein soeren.schaffstein at media-lights.de
Thu Jun 9 16:38:06 CEST 2005

I am trying to get a newsletter system to work using Email Address Subscription (sr_email_subscribe). Everything works fine by now and I'm sure I'm gonna write a tutorial for this soon. 
The only trouble which is still bothering me is that the subscription page (and every content generated from the plugin) is always showing in english. I need to have it in german but whatever I do does not work. 

Setting the language does not help
config.language = de
Redefining the labels does not help
plugin.tx_sremailsubscribe_pi1._LOCAL_LANG.de.enter_account_info = german label

Does anyone of you have another idea?

- Søren Schaffstein (schaffstein)

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