[Typo3] ImageMagick and safemode problem solved - need patch

Max Lillack moxer at gmx.net
Thu Jun 9 11:56:32 CEST 2005

when I turn safemode on, Imagemagick will not be recognized even when it
is located in safe_mode_exec_dir.
With the help of the php-mailinglist I figured out that you have to use
another syntax:

safemode = off: exec(d:/ImageMagick/convert.exe);
safemode = on: exec(convert.exe);

Because of the safe_mode_exec_dir setting PHP knows the path and just
needs the filename as parameter.
If safemode is on Typo3 still takes the path and the filename.

I took the part of the Install tool where ImageMagick is searched and
removed the path. IM is now recognized.
The safemode setting is already read by Typo3. Now there must be some
switch which make every imagemanipulating function use just the filename
and not the path if safemode is on.

This is to big for me. I hope someone else who knows how and where Typo3
uses Imagemagick can write a patch.


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