[TYPO3-dev] Your Input On: 6.x Extension Manager
Adrien Crivelli
adrien.crivelli at gmail.com
Mon Feb 11 03:44:07 CET 2013
There currently is a discussion going
the upload to TER process (more
details here<http://lists.typo3.org/pipermail/typo3-dev/2013-February/046238.html>).
The aim would be to replace the current workflow with a git-based workflow,
very similar to what was recently done for jQuery
So publishing an extension would be as simple as a git tag pushing.
This would avoid to re-code the upload to TER part in another extension,
and progressively deprecate the existing API on TER servers. And,
obviously, I hope that every developer will agree with me that the workflow
is much more developer-friendly.
To me, it sounds "compatible" with new EM's philosophy and seems to be a
good time to implement it (or rather not re-implement it as an extension
;-) ).
What do you think ?
On 11 February 2013 06:51, Christian Kuhn <lolli at schwarzbu.ch> wrote:
> Hey,
> On 02/09/2013 04:27 AM, Benjamin Mack wrote:
>> So, as we want to improve this area for 6.1, I am eager to get your
>> input on what should definitively get back in there (and why) and what
>> should be placed somewhere else. I would also like to have your feedback
>> on the UI parts, the things you like and the things you don't like.
> Reading the current feedback, most important things were raised already.
> First, it seems that people in general agree on the current solution that
> the new em is stripped down to the important 'integrator' extension
> handling stuff, which is installing, de-installing, updating, fetching and
> configuring extensions, plus directly related things. This was our
> intention and it is great to see this is accepted in the wild.
> One important missing feature was the 'update script' handling. This is
> now done and will be delivered with 6.0.2.
> Other things like 'edit extension files' is not part of extension
> management itself and can be done way better by other extensions like
> t3quixplorer if that is *really* needed by people.
> The TER upload is also missing, the implementation of this feature in
> extdeveval is not done, and I personally do not know anyone actually
> working on that at the moment. If anyone would like to step in, feel free
> to contact us, I'm sure we will find someone from or near the core team to
> support any efforts. Maybe we should raise an own thread to ask for help to
> get this done.
> Other than that, there are still some issues with the new em, most of them
> also raised:
> * It is good that the em does a lot of things automatically (like fetching
> dependencies on its own when installing extensions from TER), but it misses
> visual feedback sometimes to say for example "hey, I'm working for you now,
> please wait". This should be improved.
> * At several points some more information should be given, like the one or
> the other flash message, maybe an information of an extensions version
> changelog before upgrading, maybe some information on dependencies or
> conflicts when installing from TER. Those things should only be given if it
> is important in the current instance. For example it *is* important that
> some extension can not be installed because of some conflict to another
> installed extension, but there is no additional information in just showing
> all possible conflicts.
> * Codewise the em is still not as straight as it should be, from an
> architectural point of view the utility classes for example contain too
> much magic and cross-connections which makes some parts harder to follow
> and understand than it should be. The situation is still way better than
> before, but some refactoring can be done.
> * Another feature of the old em was left out for the new one by intention:
> Show required database updates when installing something. Reason: This is
> clearly *not* a detail integrators should take care of, it should be done
> under the hood. If we are serious, nobody ever had a chance of not
> accepting the list of db changes anyway.
> * Usability and styling should get more love. The search for extensions in
> TER is not as cool as it should be, a better feedback on important issues
> with current installed extensions (eg. pending security updates) would be
> nice. We should work together with the usability team to improve that in a
> way that it is in line with other backend usability concepts.
> Regards
> Christian
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