[TYPO3-dev] Your Input On: 6.x Extension Manager

François Suter fsu-lists at cobweb.ch
Sat Feb 9 17:48:49 CET 2013

Hi Benni,

> as most of you (hopefully :)) played around with the new extension
> manager in 6.0, you might have noticed that it has a different feel to
> it: It is more focused on actually downloading and installing extensions
> instead of doing everything else that has been in that place for the
> last years:

At first I was rather upset by the new EM, but I'm now used to it and 
quite enjoy it.

>   * Uploading extensions
>   * Cleanup ext_emconf.php

Moving this to extdeveval has been discussed already before, but nobody 
is taking care of it yet. I'm fine with the idea but it should be 
tackled soon IMO, so that you don't need to launch another version of 
TYPO3 just to upload your extension.

>   * Updating language files

Is in a separate module now and seems fine.

>   * Developer information about an extension

With older EMs we could see such information about installed extensions. 
I never found this really useful. However with the new EM installing 
extensions silently, I would support having some kind of preview: some 
screen/dialog window could tell you about database modifications and 
warn you about configuration options, for example. I find it too silent 
in its current state (I would even backport that to 6.0).

>   * Creating a new extension (kickstarter)

Extension "kickstarter" should be modified to be a stand-alone module. 
The new extension builder is already that way. Ideally any effort should 
really rather be targeted at the extension builder to add what might be 
missing there, rather than continue maintaining the old kickstarter, 
which will require always more care in the future (like adding 
generation for namespaced plugins, for example, which would be quite an 

>   * List of updated extensions

You can already see what extensions can be updated. Do you mean 
something else?



Francois Suter
Cobweb Development Sarl - http://www.cobweb.ch

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