[TYPO3-dev] The extbase dilemma

Kay Strobach typo3 at kay-strobach.de
Wed May 25 12:10:54 CEST 2011

> Create a new extension (Peters suggestion: nextbase). This extension would
> be the current FLOW3 with doctrine plus wrapper code to make it work with
> TYPO3. I would not call it a backport, more like an adapter-scheme that
> would allow to run full-fledged FLOW3-applications in TYPO3. Of course,
> handling plugins, multiple applications on a page and things like that would
> require quite some gray matter and time to be invested, but I have the
> feeling that implementing this might be easier than refactoring extbase. By
> doing this we would get a fast and stable ORM, more FLOW3-feeling and some
> real-life tests for the FLOW3-team... all in one.

I like the idea.
This way we have T3 v4 and v4 in one installation ;)


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