[TYPO3-dev] The extbase dilemma

Daniel Brün dbruen at saltation.de
Wed May 25 11:49:22 CEST 2011


we took a look at some of the more obvious time-killers in our current
extbase application that might be helpful for others. One is the
uri-Viewhelper in Fluid (in our case there are 4-5 identical links generated
for every article teaser, 50 articles on a startpage => 200-250 links
generated). We applied a (dirty) fix to accelerate this process by caching
links (sounds simple, but is not in fluid). This way we get down to only 50
links being generated which saves _a couple of_ seconds!
The other obvious problem (as mentioned in my first post) is the
persistAll-calls. Despite being called way to often in most cases you simply
want read-access to your data. A solution could be to check for a logged in
BE-User and then simply omit persistAll.

Yesterday we had a very constructive talk about extbase and Co. with Peter
Niederlag. The following option crossed our minds:

One of the main problems in extbase right now is that it somehow has to
match the domain model with TCA, therefore adopting ancient things like
comma separated lists and similar limitations. If one would decide to drop
database-level TCA-support and instead provide for some kind of helper-class
that would kind of imitate TCA (so you can edit stuff in the TYPO3 backend)
one could think about this:

Create a new extension (Peters suggestion: nextbase). This extension would
be the current FLOW3 with doctrine plus wrapper code to make it work with
TYPO3. I would not call it a backport, more like an adapter-scheme that
would allow to run full-fledged FLOW3-applications in TYPO3. Of course,
handling plugins, multiple applications on a page and things like that would
require quite some gray matter and time to be invested, but I have the
feeling that implementing this might be easier than refactoring extbase. By
doing this we would get a fast and stable ORM, more FLOW3-feeling and some
real-life tests for the FLOW3-team... all in one.



2011/5/25 Dmitry Dulepov <dmitry.dulepov at gmail.com>

> Hi!
> Franz Holzinger wrote:
>> is there any MVC extension which is stable enough to use it? Or which
>> base should be used for a TYPO3 extension at the moment?
> There are several, which follow their creator's views on what TYPO3 MVC
> should be. My implementation never pretended TYPO3-wide solution, though I
> now started to use it wider and wider.
> People usually use the framework they know best. For example, it is easier
> for me to set up a blog with TYPO3 than with WordPress. Though blogging with
> TYPO3 is nonsense comparing to WordPress.
> I think you should evaluate MVC extensions and choose one for yourself. I
> could not choose any because some of them were quite old, some were far from
> what I call "Clean code" (my T3DD11 topic, btw) and some were lacking
> documentation. So I made my own. In my country people say: "Want it to be
> good? Make it yourself"...
> --
> Dmitry "itoldyou" Dulepov
> TYPO3 core&security team member
> E-mail: dmitry.dulepov at typo3.org
> Web: http://dmitry-dulepov.com/
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