[TYPO3-dev] The extbase dilemma

Maximilian Kalus typo3 at beimax.de
Wed May 18 14:30:03 CEST 2011

> Well, Extbase is advertised a lot and there are successful extension
> built 
> upon Extbase. I think it depends a lot on the extension complexity. 
> Something like a blog or news will do but message boards with
> permission 
> checks for each user and attachments could be too hard to make
> because 
> Extbase is still experimental.

Well, not too hard, but quite slow. I created an extension for a
customer with very complicated permission settings (users only see
certain elements of the data depending on their permissions). It works
but required a number of speedup tricks and server performance tweaks.

I agree with Daniel that the weak point of Extbase is the abstraction
layer - compared to other frameworks (have worked with Symfony and
CakePHP) Extbase is not too powerful at all.

Best regards,

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