[TYPO3-dev] GetRecordOverlay and performance

Jan Bednarik info at bednarik.org
Mon Jun 6 19:59:35 CEST 2011

Hi guys,

if I want to fetch records overlay the right way, I'd use 
getRecordOverlay. But what if I need to fetch translations for e.g. 100 
records at once? Using getRecordOverlay would produce at least 100 
selects and that's not very good.

Simple approach would be

fetch records into array
get records UID
fetch records overlays of those UIDs into array
merge those two arrays

This is quite simple approach, but for custom extensions, where you know 
their exact purpose and usage, this is quite ok.

So I wonder, is there any common way to do so, or do you all write your 
own ways to do that?



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