[TYPO3-dev] bugs.typo3.org - reporters should automatically monitor reported bug

Steffen Gebert steffen at steffen-gebert.de
Wed May 19 19:24:11 CEST 2010

Am 19.05.2010, 18:38 Uhr, schrieb Tolleiv.Nietsch <info at tolleiv.de>:

> Hm ok but why does nobody use it? and how can we change that? - I'm sick  
> to wait for feedback - even on obviously valid issues it's hard to get  
> further details from the original author of the issue.

I don't know, if I changed my settings, but I always get mails reports  
created by myself - even without manually monitoring the bug.
IMHO this should be the default behavior. If sb. gets too many mails, he  
could (should be able to) disable mailings.


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