[TYPO3-dev] FLOW3 / TYPO3 5.0

Peter Russ peter.russ at 4many.net
Fri Apr 30 00:36:51 CEST 2010

--- Original Nachricht ---
Absender:   JoH asenau
Datum:       29.04.2010 22:24:
> And if they really can't survive without V5,
> then  they should invest more time and/or money to speed up the development
> instead of complaining.

1st: Nobody is complaining that they would starve without V5 except the 
ones getting money for the development (just a guess).

2nd: Every person attending any TYPO3 event at conference, border tour 
or any other event is paying real money to the assoc.

3rd: As major companies are using TYPO3 it becomes a more political 
decision. Paid frameworks try to gain back lost spaces due to the fact 
that there is no product or roadmap available.

4th: May be some of us are willing to wait until F² is out. But if this 
would take another years IMHO no major player would give TYPO3 a second 
chance. As the claim "enterprise level" implice "you can make revenue" 
and this is some type of money (may be here are some devs just doing it 
for kudos) I would either skip the marketing approach or put the feet to 
the ground and come up with enterprise level requirements: What can be 
delivered by when? Period. Very simple.

If this can't be answered, skip enterprise level and step back to the 
time when we started to use version 3.5. 100% enthusiastic people 
started to build TYPO3's reputation. Just took 7 years.

IMHO we have a window to market. This will close as soon as an other 
product is available with features similar to F². At that time there 
will be REAL pressure on the developers to deliver something that's not 
"me too". Nobody would care about the fact that "we were the first in 
the orbit". But we never made it to the moon :-(

Good night, sleep tight.....


Fiat lux! Docendo discimus.
uon GbR


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