[TYPO3-dev] Seperate (clearable) cache for frontend plugins

Thomas "Thasmo" Deinhamer thasmo at gmail.com
Sun Nov 15 15:01:23 CET 2009


I read thru some cache-related topics, articles etc.
which described some caching technics using COA_INT,
and a weird combination of typoscript objects, nested
within each other.

I got a frontend plugin which renders some sort if
statistics data in form of a simple text. Users can
contribute data, on which the statistics data is based on.

Think of two actions which are defined inside the plugin:
1. Display the statistics data
2. Contribute data

The calculation of the statistics data is very expensive,
which forces me to cache the frontend plugin, otherwise the
it would just take to long to render it (or the page).

The bad thing about the caching is, that after contributing
some data, the statistics display won't get updated, until
I clear the page cache in the backend.

The magic question is now:

Is it possible to clear the cache of the frontend plugin only,
without touching the page cache at all?

If this is possible I would only clear the cache of the plugin
after new data was contributed by a user. This way, the display
of the statistics will always be up to date, wihtout forcing
the frontend plugin to be a USER_INT.

Does anybody have an idea or a solution?

Thanks a lot,

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