[TYPO3-dev] Moving old "static templates" to a sysext

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Wed Dec 5 11:07:40 CET 2007

Dmitry Dulepov [typo3] wrote: on 05.12.2007 08:32:

> Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] wrote:
>> You mean the Upgrade Wizard should contact TER and download and install
>> an extension from there if the old installation uses the static
>> template? That sounds a bit "complicated" as TER might not even be
>> reachable by this upgrade wizard...
> No, I think users should do it manually after update. To me it looks
> strange to use those templates if user has 3.8 or newer. If they still
> have, they can go once to TER :)

This is another way of seeing it... We just "don't care" about the
backwards compatibility in this situation. Usually the admin upgrades
and everything keeps working. If I have 4.1.2 and am using
"plugin.alt.plaintext (99)" or even "template; FIRST", it will not work
after the upgrade. I will have to:

a) install the extension from TER
b) update all sys_template files to add that template again. To do that,
the admin must have made a list of templates where he includes
static_templates BEFORE the upgrade, because after the upgrade (and with
empty "static_templates" table) those won't be shown anywhere anymore.

I think that is not what we usually do for the sake of "backwards
compatibility cow". Those templates are not even marked as "deprecated" :(

What do you think?


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